You take every precaution to ensure that you and your business will be protected in case of an accident, but the unexpected can still happen. When it does, make sure you and your assets are covered with additional liability coverage to help pay costly claims or lawsuits that would not be fully covered under your standard general liability policy.

How Much Coverage Do I Need?
Determining the right level of insurance coverage you need doesn’t have to be confusing. An OKFB agent can help you understand how much coverage will be right for you, your family and your home, helping provide peace of mind no matter what the future may bring.
Commercial Umbrella Coverage Options & Features
Excessive Liability Coverage
Excess Liability Coverage for a commercial umbrella policy provides higher limits of protection against bodily injury or property damage claims by a third party beyond your Commercial General Liability limit and Commercial Auto Liability limit. Up to an additional $5 million of excess liability coverage may be purchased.