Road Safety with Farm Equipment
Harvest season is here, which likely means an increase in farm equipment on the roads. Whether you’re driving a tractor or sharing the road with one, it’s important to know how to safely navigate with and around various farm equipment and vehicles. Follow these safety tips to help prevent accidents on the road this season.
Safety for farmers and ranchers
- Make sure all your lights and flashers work properly before getting on the road. Doing so will allow you to use the necessary warning lights and slow-moving vehicle signs when driving your equipment. This is important because it helps other motorists see you down the road so they can slow down and use caution when approaching.
- Be mindful of your equipment — ensure everything is strapped in and balanced, and know the height and width of your equipment to avoid disrupting low-hanging power lines and other hazards that may be near the road.
- When possible, avoid well-traveled roads during high-traffic and don’t travel before dawn or after dusk.
- Use your signals to communicate with other drivers, and always take precautions when traveling on gravel shoulders or narrow bridges.
- Lastly, obey all the normal traffic laws.
Safety for other drivers
- Be aware of slow-moving vehicles. Farm equipment must travel much slower than the average vehicle — between five and 15 miles per hour.
- Watch for signals coming from operators of farm equipment. They may communicate with you about when it is safe to pass, so it’s important to pay attention to their signals.
- Tractors and other farm vehicles need lots of room to operate. They take wider turns and might have to use both lanes to complete a proper turn. To help accommodate this equipment, make sure to give it plenty of room.
- Don’t abruptly pull in front of farm equipment and then slow down suddenly. It’s much more difficult for the large, heavy equipment to slow down quickly.
- Always pay close attention when sharing the road with farm equipment. Avoid any distractions and be attentive.
Whatever you’re driving this season, OKFB can provide the right coverage for your vehicle. Check out our auto policy lineup to find customizable coverage that fits your lifestyle. And, while you’re at it, take a look at our farm and ranch line, too.
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